Hotels in Jakarta Selatan

Hotels in Jakarta Selatan : If you want to go into Jakarta Selatan for your need like business need, holidays, recreations and others but you still dont know where you will stay there, dont worry. here we will show you some of the Hotels in Jakarta Selatan that recommended by much peoples.

Jakarta Selatan Municipality Jakarta is the region that perekembangannya most rapidly among the five municipalities in Jakarta. Regional Brass for example is known as the Golden Triangle of business in Jakarta, which include Brass, Casablanca, Manggarai, and Block M New Kebayoran. In addition, Kemang area since the beginning has been the most popular area with many restaurants and evening entertainment.

Below are some hotels in Jakarta selatan that you can stay in :

Hotels in Jakarta Selatan :

Aston Rasuna Residence**** US$ 85.00/r/n
Located in south Jakarta Kuningan area which is famous for its luxury residential center and the center of international entertainment in addition is also very close to the central business district known as the golden triangle.
Ambhara Hotel**** Rp 900.000/r/n
Grand Mahakam Hotel***** US$126.00/r/n
Grand Melia Hotel***** US$ 110.00/r/n
negara sahabat.
Grand Flora Hotel*** US$ 60.00/r/n
Grand Kemang Hotel**** Rp 650.000/r/n
JW Marriott Hotel***** US$ 130.00/r/n
Manhattan Hotel*** US$ 75.00/r/n
Park Lane Hotel***** US$ 75.00
Ritz Carlton Hotel*****
Hotel Sofyan Tebet Lowest Rate
Sultan Hotel***** US$ 75.00/r/n ( formerly Jakarta Hilton )
Located at Jalan Gatot Subroto this hotel previously named Jakarta Hilton International is located in the center of the 'golden triangle' or the golden triangle of Jakarta and the district of Mega Kuningan

Ok, those all the recommended Hotels in Jakarta Selatan, Hope this usefull...
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